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change management financial product expert-witness and arbitration financial innovation and risk consulting banking training

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warren edwardes lecturing on swaps - London School of banking and finance

Training Institutes: Setting up local bank training institutes on behalf of national central banks or banking associations or individual banks. Plaque of thanks and appreciation from Dr. Kim Si-Dam, President, Korea Banking Institute.
Banking school set up by Delphi to deliver real-world content via the internet, "internet-streaming banking, insurance, finance, and treasury management market know-how to professional practitioners' screens"

Demystification and Problem-related workshops for Treasury management

High Level Seminars: Curing Derivatiphobia - The Board, ALCO, Executive Committee., Marketing Departments, Branch Network, Internal Auditors etc.


Thinking Creatively: The Delphi IDEA Kit. Motivational seminar: "How to capture the big new IDEA" 

Upside-down thinking: You've tried lateral thinking. You've tried standing on your head. Now turn the problem upside down.

Hindervation: Identify organisational blockages; "50 Ways to Hinder Innovation" . This helps firms eliminate creativity crashers.

Cross Thinking: Creative ideas can be sourced from completely different problems. Think cross-markets. Examples are Peace through Prosperity and Virtually no travelling. Creativity through Cross Thinking;


Speechcraft: Powerful Presentations and Successful Speeches training programme - managing Laloscopophobia (tm)

